Maui Story: Who are you Hari Nath?
Hari Nath: On one level I am a totally ordinary person. On anther level, my life is full of purpose. I have a big spiritual mission. Right now, me, myself and many souls are bringing the Christconscious/Brahmanconscious to the globe. We create soul healing. Many people need healing on all levels: mind/body/soul. By doing soul healing, we healing on many different levels including country, family, and world healing. There are many mechanism in the soul. Understanding mechanisms of the soul is what our business is.
Maui Story: Is business good?
Hari Nath: Business is good and it is getting better. We're moving into massive spirituality.
Maui Story: How can we spiritualize business?
Hari Nath: We focus on our ethics and make that a central point of our business education. Spirituality of business will natural occur. It's not about the spiritual logo rather about taking responsibilty for what you sell and being accountable for what you sell.
Maui Story: Shifting gears here for a minute. I heard you talking about the violet ray. What is that and does it have anthing to do with business?
Hari Nath: The violet ray is a light of the universal soul. It is one of the mechanisms of the soul. It brings everything into balance. The violet ray creates perfect harmony.The source of the violet ray is the center of the universe. In the individual the ray is coming through the higherself through any of chakras and 12 to 40 feet above the body. The violet ray is the solution to our karma.
Maui Story: That's cool. So if we work with the violet ray all our business dealing ought to work out and improve?
Hari Nath: The real beauty is in bringing completeness in any activity to business for yourself and everyone else.
Maui Story: What role does truthfulness play in the spiritualization of business and does it really work?
Hari Nath: We can measure the spirituality of our business by the amount of truth in our busines. It validates itself.
Maui Story: How do you think we can spread ethical business practices and promote truth in the work place?
Hari Nath: There is only one way to promote anything. Only those who know how can show how.
Violet Ray and Business
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