Ho! Brah so when you go learn DJ?
DJ Story: It all started when I was watching DJ Skribble in my room and I walked out into the living room and my mom asked me if I wanted to take a scratchin' workshop in WareHouse 21 in Santa Fe. I was like aw fo real? I was 12 and after that I was addicted to scratch and turntables so I got a summer job to save up enough money to get my rig. It was a bird watching summer day camp.
Maui Story: So you see a lot of birds?
DJ Story: Yeah..
Maui Story: What kind music where you scatching back then?
DJ Story: Underground Hip Hop. They had all kinds of classes at Warehouse 21. Amazing selection. I played a lot of House Parties in New Mexico and in San Francisco and Berekley; and, beach local kine hippy camp Kauai. Then I came to Maui and worked with various musicians and creating our tracks. We're creating a unique sound heard nowhere else but in Haiku Maui.
Maui Story: DJ Story sits at his computer. He's got five beautiful women totally ga ga about him. Really thousands but who is counting. DJ Story's fan base is mostly women totally in love with him. I've been hanging around here to find out what makes this incredibly creative DJ work. What do you eat?
DJ Story: I eat only things of the highest vibrational integrity. Whatever it takes. I enjoy raw organic almond butter. That's why I moved to Maui, because it is slightly cheaper here.
Maui Story: What are you working on now musically?
DJ Story: We are getting the hundreds of songs we have created ready for CD. Finishing what we have set into motion is crucial. I currently favor Psybient, Dubstep and Electro House. I love Reggae and Dub because I was born in Jamaca . Then I came in contact with the didjeridoo and bamboo flute music because we journeyed deep into the subtle healing possibilities of sound with instruments like singing bowls and female vocals. Sometimes there are times for more aggressive dance beats. Do they want to lie on the floor and receive a Didj healing or do they want to jump up and down and groove? You have to read the crowd.
Maui Story: How has moving to Maui influenced your music?
DJ Story: I got deep into Dub then started listen to Kirtan chants and Dubstep and Electro House. I've be going to the kirtan at the Temple of Peace in Haiku and then out to Full Moon Raves out in Kaupo for the full wild and heavy bass lines. I just got back from 18 mile hike through the crater for three days at 10,000 with 40 other people. Top Secret Event for sure. It didn't really happen or did it? I went way deeper into Psy Dub and Indian Chants and trancey colorriffic soundscapes.
Maui Story: What role if any have spiritual experiences and medicine jouney's played in your music?
DJ Story: It's brought me to the realization that there is more to reality than it appears and that the imagination is ulimited. The sound takes on the form. The right sound can induce altered states of perception. It is the medicine.
Maui Story: What do you feel about the role of sound in creating reality?
DJ Story: An experiment with sand on plates created more intricate sacred geometry patterns as the frequency rises demonstrating sounds role in shaping reality. Thoughts are in an inaudible frequency range and it definelty sends out sound waves attracting like manifesations.
Editors Note: DJ Story just forwarded this email.
Life has a rhythm; there's already momentum. The world has needs and expectations as do you, creating some likelihoods that are vastly more predictable and smaller in number (though still infinite) than others. And for those who see this and work within these "likelihoods," dancing to their own beat within life's greater rhythm, heaven shall appear at their feet and abundance shall come as easily as breathing.
The Universe
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DJ Story's Space Bass Album (New)

Maui Story: Has DJing made you more intuitive?
DJ Story: You have to be able to listen to the rhythms and feel the crowd.
Maui Story: What motivates you?
DJ Story: Okay I'm not going to lie to you. It's the girls and my love for music. Music is the fuel for my happiness and wellbeing. Aloha!
Maui Story: What's you relationship to money. I see that you are into creating Abundance. How do you manage your business side?
DJ Story: I've hardly had any regular jobs. What's really kept me a float is the millions of fans buying my music at SNOCAP Mystore. You can buy my music at www.myspace.com/djstory
Maui Story: Mahalo for spending so much time with us. So what? Never heard of DJ Story. Ho! Brah you stay on the slow train or what? Stuck on itunes? Try DJ Story's mystore. Millions of fans can't be wrong!
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